New Year - New You!

Prosperity Forex • January 4, 2019

How to Set Your Goals

Happy New Year!
Yesterday, I asked whether you achieved all your goals last year. Whether or not you did, almost everybody can do better, including me.
So I want to help you start this year off right with a tip to help ensure your success: proper goal setting and intentioning.
When you think about what you want to accomplish, most people just have a vague idea in their heads, usually about some nebulous future state, and no timeframe. "Someday I'll be in better shape." "Someday I'll get that raise / ask her out / take that vacation / build the business I've always dreamed about." But "someday" may never come.
But there is a trick to setting and accomplishing your goals that almost ensures your success. The more specific you can be about what you want, when and how you will get it, and why you want it - and writing it all down - the better your chances for success.
The SMARTer you can make your goals, the better.
Specific - State not just what you're going to do or accomplish, but also how you're going to do it.
Measurable - Include a metric for success. What can you measure to say that you've accomplished your goal, and use to track your progress along the way?
Attainable - Your goals need to be something realistically attainable. If your goal is so audacious that you can't imagine how you'll attain it, then break it into component pieces until you reach goals that you know you can reach.
Relevant - Your goal needs to be relevant and make sense in your life.
Timely - "Someday" never comes. Start today, and create goals with specific timeframes.
It's not enough just to have goals. They need to matter in your big picture. They need to fall into your why.
Why will accomplishing this goal matter in your life? How will you feel once you've accomplished this goal? What does it mean for you, your family, the world?
Writing down your goals forces you to make it real and specific. When you think about your goals, it's too easy to drift off without getting into the specifics that will help you make your goal a reality. When you write it down, it forces you to figure out the specifics, the timeline, the language, and codify how and why accomplishing this goal matters in your life.
If you don't set your goals and intentions now, when will you?
Stop whatever it is that you're doing, take out a pen and paper, or even just a Word doc or notepad on your computer and write down your goals for this year.
Ideally, you will come up with specific goals for all aspects of your life: health, family, relationships, career, spirituality, etc. Think about every aspect of your life you want to work on. Come up with a vision of what you want and a goal and plan to make it happen.
Now, I know that level of goal-setting can be a bit much - some folks will spend hours or days codifying and clarifying exactly what they're wanting to achieve. So if that's too much, just break it down. Write down one PERSONAL goal, and one PROFESSIONAL goal.
Rather than simply daydreaming about the future, take charge, create your vision, and make it happen.
Here's wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2019!
P.S. Once you have your goals, I WANT TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THEM!
I know that one of the hardest parts of building the life you want is figuring out how to get started in the first place, which is why I created Prosperity Forex
Prosperity Forex will give you the step-by-step instructions and resources to help you:
  • Learn how to trade the Forex Market
  • Improve your trading - Entries & Exits
  • Improve your emotions in trading
  • Learn new useful skills
  • Transform the life you have now into the life you want to live
When you're ready to take the next step, contact me to get started with Prosperity Forex!

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