Every day, every week, every month, and every year….we are dealt cards and depending on how you deal with those cards dealt, will determine a lot of your potential outcomes.
You can take the sorrow path and play the woe is me card and just accept what is (glass half empty mentality) and keep on the path you are going and either fall farther or just stay in the current rut.
You can the positive approach (glass half-full mentality) and be optimistic. Optimism is the hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. In my opinion, optimism is the most powerful tool on the market and being optimistic no matter what happens is the really the only way to live life but at the same time succeed in life.
In trading, everyone in the beginning has optimism because you see these traders both professional and retail living the high life driving Lamborghinis, living in mansions, drinking expensive bottles while having table service only working a few hours a day. But…then you get hammered in the market and blow your account. You now are like WTF!!! Right? You, now have two options: 1. Keep optimistic and keep fighting to you have that life you want! 2. Give up and quit. All traders started on the bottom and many of the successful traders have blown several accounts in the beginning.
Life presents the same issues. There are too many to cover but in essence the same rule applies. You can stay optimistic or you can quit and accept the consequences/results. Remember, the harder the cards you are dealt, the sweeter the victory. The more epic the battle, the more powerful the event.
I was dealt extremely hard cards and sometime in the future I may share it but I had two choices. I had optimism and took the latter of the two and fought and continue to fight. I refuse to accept what is and what will be. I know what I want and am willing to fight for all of it, as you should be too.
So, do what you need to do. Find help, seek support, keep fighting your hand dealt and always stay optimistic and always drink the koolaid of Optimism.
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