Success in 2020...

Prosperity Forex • December 30, 2019

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Success in 2020..How to Get IT!

The end of 2019 is very near and at the same time we are ending a decade and beginning a new year and new decade with 2020. I hope a lot of you are like me and have reflected not only on the past year, but also the past decade. You’ve taken a look at your failures and successes and yes it can be depressing when you reflect; especially if you say “if I only did this or that, I would be where I wanted to be by now”….How many of you said this? The best part is that the past is your past. It cannot be changed, but you need to learn from it. Even better, is that 2020 and the new decade is the future and YOU can design the outcome. The future can always be changed. Now, it is up to you decide on what you want and how you are going to get there.

However, it’s not just as easy as writing down some goals on a piece of paper and “trying” to achieve them. If you want SUCCESS in 2020 and for the years to come, then follow the outline and you might just have a chance at obtaining success. 

1. Yes, I’m going to say to write down your goals. But you goals must be S.M.A.R.T.
S = Specific
M = Measureable
A = Achievable
R = Relevant
T = Time-Bound

For example, don’t say I want to get healthy in 2020. Instead, say I want to lose 20 pounds and be able to run an 8-minute mile by end of June. It accomplished all of being SMART. But more importantly, you need your WHY to each goal. 

2. Your WHY is one of two of the most important aspects of every goal because it is going to give you the motivation and drive to see your goals through to the end. WHY do you want to be healthy in 2020? Is it because of an early sign of a health condition? WHY do you want to be a successful trader in 2020? Is it because you want to have financial freedom to live the life you want and provide to your family in the way you dreamed of? Just having a goal is great and you need to be SMART with each goal, but you need to have the WHY to pursue that goal. 
3. Create a plan to achieve your goal. How many days will your run? How many days will you workout? Etc. How many days will you trade? What pairs will you trade? What times will you trade? What is your risk reward? Etc. I could define this even more but as you see, you want to be detailed as possible. A goal without a plan is just a dream. So, make a plan and stick to it. 

Now, you need to execute your plan. Sounds easy, right? Not so fast…Yes, the SMART Goal, Your WHY, and the PLAN are the precursors to a great beginning. But, without the right mindset and environment, you will fight a battle you will never win. 

Your mindset and environment combined are the most important key to you achieving success in 2020 and the new decade. As I closed out the group for 2019, I brought the new mantra for 2020….SUCCESS IS MY DUTY! SUCCESS IS MY RESPONSIBILITY! SUCCESS IS MY OBLIGATION! Everything is is impossible until it’s possible. Without having the right mindset, you will let distraction fall into place instead of working towards your goals. This is why your environment needs to be right as your mindset. What do I mean? 

You cannot be successful when you are hanging out with people that don’t want to grow and change. These people will bring you down. The old saying goes “misery loves company”. At first, I didn’t think this to be true, but it is so true. Not in terms of misery, but rather those that don’t want to grow and change, will try to bring you down to their level. This is where it gets hard in decision making. You must decide what is more important. Do you block those people from your life, limit the time with them, or continue to hang-out with them? For me, if they are not on the same growth path nor have the same motivation as myself, I’m sorry, they are blocked from my life for the most part. I might see them on holiday, but I’m not going to waste time with them when I could be spending it on achieving SUCCESS. This may be hard to hear but in reality, they are not paying your bills, YOU ARE!

Same goes for your significant other or partner or family support structure. If you want to achieve and accomplish your goals at the fastest rate possible, you must have them supporting you and respecting your decision. I don’t mean supporting you financially, you are grown person and should be able to pay your bills, rather, I mean supporting you with the same motivation you have, making you be accountable to yourself, keeping you on track, etc. I made a very hard choice this past year to remove people from my life because the support they offered wasn’t allowing me to grow. I was having to deal with their negativity and the boos. I still talk to them every once in a while, but they are no longer in the inner circle. I don’t relay information to them because I’m on a different path and that is ok. If you want to grow you need to have people on the same wavelength as you in terms of drive, motivation, and growth no matter what your goals are. Find a gym partner to keep you motivated and help you lift more or run faster. Find a mentor/coach to push you master trading, go over your trades with you, keep you honest and be real with yourself. 

Lastly, build a routine. I know routines can be mundane but what they do is keep you on track and focused on achieving your goals. Get so busy with your routine, that you don’t have time to let distractions fall into place. Here is what my routine looks like. I wake up and immediately have breakfast. While I’m eating, I check to see if there are any questions from any of my groups. Then I go to the gym for an hour workout. This gets my blood pumping so I am amped for the rest of the day plus my focus is hyped. I come home, have a snack, then get showered and dress so I am ready to work for the rest of the day. I then look at the charts and see what I’m looking at for the next day of trading, work on other business-related tasks while I listen to a podcast to gain knowledge. I then have a coaching call for the group, follow up on emails, and then dinner with my girl. We then hangout for a few hours before she goes to bed while we each read. I then go into my last phase of trading the London session. After a successful or losing day, I usually end with more reading to let my brain calm down so I can get a solid night of sleep about 6.5 hours and then repeat. Of my routine, I didn’t say I watched tv. Why? Because watching TV gets me no closer to my goals and just fills my time with wasteful information. If I pass on something, it is a night out of entertainment where I can be around other people and be engaging. 

In building your routine, remember the 80/20 rule. 20% of your efforts will give you 80% of your results. This means to put the majority of your efforts into the top 20% of things that can bring you closer to success. I focus on gym and trading and business as this drives my income and keeps me healthier and focused. All the other mundane tasks can be handled other times, but these three things for me are handled every day no matter what. 

Ask yourself if you are happy with where you are. If you are, great and I’m elated for you. But if you’re not, then make the necessary changes so you can have SUCCESS in 2020 and your best year ever!

A few tips to make success a reality in 2020!

1. Stay motivated and hold yourself accountable. It is key to know your WHY and use that as your motivation. Just because you may be tired and don’t want to do something, remember your WHY and use that to push through being tired and accomplish what you want. The great entrepreneurs never gave up. They kept working. 
2. Get so busy working on your goals, that when distractions arise, they won’t be able to derail your path so success. 
3. Follow the 80/20 rule.
4. Keep your mindset and environment right. Avoid the negativity so you won’t get derailed from success. 
5. Once you are going, then up the effort 10X to get even more productivity. 

Combine everything and you can achieve your success in 2020. From our family at Prosperity Forex to yours, we wish you a great and prosperous 2020. SUCCESS IS OUR DUTY!

If you are looking for successful strategy or looking to learn how to trade in Forex, then reach out to Prosperity Forex. You can email us at or send a text directly to 1.702.970.9443 for more information. Prosperity Forex will be with you every step of the way!

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